Category: Interview
Hits: 1427

The common errors which are made by employees in between interview.

Rubbing on the face / Combing hair (21%)

No knowledge about the organization/Company/Firm (47%)

Do not look towards the interview board (67%)

Gloomy Face/Unhappy Face (38%)

Unnormal Gestures (9%)

Close arms and sit idle (21%)

Unconfident and Weak Handshake (26%)

Unnecessary iritation and moving seats (33%)

Bad Actions (33%)

Keep this things in your mind to reduce the chance of failure and   win an interview within first 90 second's.

Another 10 Mistakes

Mistake #1

Acting paranoid, nervous, jittery, or lacking self confidence during a job interview.

What to do:

Self confidence, without cockiness or ego, is very attractive in a person. People are drawn to people who are confident, secure, but not ego driven. Even if you don't feel confident inside, you must present that confident air.

It's okay to be a bit nervous, after all, you're only human. However, if you can present a confident air in your ability to perform the duties of the job for which you are applying, you will set the interviewer's mind at ease. When your interviewer is more at ease, they will be more comfortable with you too, and the interview will progress much smoother.

Mistake #2

Lying about past jobs, performance, duties, skills, or anything else during a job interview.

What to do:

Downplay the negative, but don't lie about it. Most things on your resume are verifiable, so if you've lied, you're likely to get caught. Additionally, when you lie about things, your self confidence will be diminished, and it will show. If a negative must be talked about, try to put a positive light on it by also stating what you learned from the negative thing and how you have now changed it into something more positive.

Mistake #3

Talking bad about former bosses, companies, or coworkers during a job interview.

What to do:

It is rare that any employee will work for any one company for the rest of their lives. You will leave one day from just about every job you ever have. If you talk bad about former jobs, coworkers or bosses, then the interviewer will know that you may talk bad about them one day too. Also, badmouthing colleagues, coworkers or former employers shows you may not be a team player.

It doesn't matter whether or not your complaint is legitimate or not, the interviewer will most likely believe that the fault was yours and that you have issues with getting along with your coworkers or bosses. This is a big red X to an interviewer.

Mistake #4

Talking too much during a job interview.

What to do:

When an interviewer asks you a question, answer the question that was asked, and nothing more. Don't tell them a story about something that happened related to what they asked, unless they specifically ask you to do so. Also, don't tell them a story about something person or non-work related, even if you think it is specifically related to the question asked. Keep your answers friendly and informative, but keep them short, concise.

Mistake #5

Being too personal during a job interview.

What to do:

There are certain personal questions a job interviewer is not allowed to ask by law. There is a reason for this. A job interview should be based solely on your ability to do the job and your education and skills pertaining to the job.

Whether you realize it or not, by being too personal, or giving too much personal information, will make you appear less than professional, but may also give the job interviewer information they can use to discriminate against hiring you. For example, don't tell your job interviewer how many children you have and their ages, but then reassure them that you have quality child care and back up plans, because someone who has no issues with their children interfering with their job wouldn't even thing to speak about such things. By bringing it up to the job interviewer, you may make them suspicious that this is an issue you had in the past.

The interviewer doesn't need to know how old you are, how many children or grandchildren you have, how many pets you have, anything about your medical history, whether you are single, married or divorced, or anything else that doesn't pertain specifically to the job for which you are applying.

Mistake #6

Showing up late for a job interview - or showing up too early for a job interview.

What to do:

You want to be prompt, on time, for a job interview, because showing up late makes you appear not only irresponsible, but it makes the interviewer feel that the job interview is not important to you. You also don't want to show up too early, and make the interviewer feel that you are forcing them into having to change their schedule for you. It could make a job interviewer uncomfortable knowing you are sitting in the other room waiting on them at 1:15, when they weren't expecting you until 2.

The rule here is, if you have not filled out an application, you want to show up about 15 minutes early for the interview, so you have time to fill it out. This is true even if you have submitted a resume. Most employers will have an application you will need to fill out, where you will sign it to certify you are telling the truth, and give them any additional information your resume might not contain. If you have already filled out an application, showing up about 5-10 minutes early is a good time frame. You should ALWAYS be at least 5 minutes early for the interview, so that it can start right on time if the interviewer is ready to go.

Mistake #7

Telling the job interviewer that their system is flawed, or that you plan to come in and shake things up and make changes, during a job interview.

What to do:

Unless you are an efficiency expert or a hatchet man or one of the executive management applicants who is being hired specifically for this purpose, you don't want to tell an interviewer that you know better how to run things around the company than the people who have been there much longer than you. If you are asked to offer your opinion for suggested change, by all means, give it, but always be sure to point out something good about the current system too.

Mistake #8

Being dressed improperly, either too dressy or too casual for the job, during a job interview.

What to do:

Know the company for which you are applying and know your job too. If you are applying for a job as a forklift operator, wearing a three piece, pin striped business suit will definitely cut you out of the running. By the same token, wearing blue jeans and a concert t-shirt for an office administration job won't do it either. The best rule here is to look at the company as a whole, and then look at the job duties you will be performing. You should dress one functional level above the standard work day dress for your position, based on the company.

An executive position, in which most companies employees in those positions wear suit jackets and dress shirts means you need to wear a suit and tie. For a casual office position, where business casual is worn, you should wear business professional for the job interview. For blue collar work or more casual positions, if they were jeans and t-shirt, you wear khakis and dress shirts. I think you get the idea.

Mistake #9

Not bringing the appropriate documentation, paperwork, and information to a job interview.

What to do:

When offered an interview, always ask if you need to bring anything with you, and then bring what is requested. In addition, be sure that you have phone numbers, names, addresses, and information you would need to fill out an application or a reference contact form, so you don't have to hunt for it.

Always bring two copies of your resume, if you are required to bring one; one for you, and one for your interviewer. If they don't need one, at least you were prepared. If you faxed your resume in to the company, always bring a good hard copy of your resume, because fax machines don't offer the best quality.

And always have your I9 information, driver's license, social security card, or your passport or birth certificate. If your job requires licenses or certifications, always bring proof of your current status on those. You may not need them, but they are always good to have, just in case.

Mistake #10

Using slang, racial slurs, derogatory or sexist language, or profanity during a job interview.

What to do:

Speak professionally at all times. Your words present as much about you as your appearance, and no matter how skilled you are, if your language is negative, unprofessional, or filled with hate, you will not be hired.

Avoid these ten mistakes and you are well on your way to getting that second job interview or actually being offered the job. How you present yourself is as important as how knowledgeable or skilled you are in the duties you will perform. Everything nowadays is about image, and the job will go the most qualified applicant who presents the best image.

Throw thiss errors away then you should selected early.

Best Wishes and Happy Interview..